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Containers are deeply intertwined with the lives of people all over the world. This system, proposed in the 1950s by American entrepreneur Malcolm McLean, enabled the transportation of cargo in standardized containers via truck, train, and ship, reducing handling efforts and accelerating and lowering the cost of cargo movement. Modern containers greatly contribute to the efficiency of logistics and the development of the economy, forming the backbone of the global economy.

What I photograph are containers being towed on expressways in the capital, captured in a moment of stillness with a high-speed shutter, making them appear almost as part of the city’s infrastructure. Additionally, as I mark the locations where I’ve photographed the containers on a map, those points eventually form lines, revealing the close ties between their flow and urban life.

This series aligns the positions and sizes of the containers in the photographs. While always shooting under the same conditions, which containers I encounter each day is left to chance. Even when photographing the same location over several years, the cityscapes transform. Shooting under consistent conditions thus captures the temporality of the city. The target of the photography might be the “object” of the container, but what actually gets captured is the “situation” or “state” of containers moving through the city. Through the act of continuously photographing containers, the evolving city is captured, along with the traces of global distribution that support it. The “CONTAINERS” series of photos captures a macro image of the city from a micro perspective.